The curriculum of a school, as we understand it, refers to the repertoire of actions, tasks and assessment of the academic engagements that we set before us, besides cultural, physical and intellectual preoccupations that go to improve the innate faculties of the child during his / her career in the school. To ensure the attainment of these goals, we are utilising certain educational resources
which are as follows:

  • 1) Student - Centric Teaching: Our teachers are well trained to be always conscious that they have to focus on the students rather than be obsessed with their own performance. They always keep in mind the child’s intellectual and emotional needs than thrust their own ideas on them. They know that what they do is education and not ‘manipulation’.
    2) Blended Learning: While teaching, the teachers are conscious that they are facilitators and so they make a judicious mixture of online (such as provided by ‘TATA Class Edge’) and traditional off-line real time instruction.
    3) Co-operative Learning: The Pupils are formed into heterogenous groups of bright and not so bright as well as differently enabled pupils. They can grow together through interaction and mutual help.
    4) Learning through games and fun activities: This method is encouraged in the School to make the acquisition of knowledge a pleasurable activity.
    5) Utilization of other learning resources: a) The school has entered into an MOU with ‘TATA Class Edge’ which offers virtual classroom and interactive white board, supported by a team of expert multi disciplinary specialists. Their innovative Pedagogy, technology and content makes learning experience highly rewarding.
    b) Maths Labs: There are two Maths Labs to cater separately to the needs of the seniors and their junior counterparts. The Labs are equipped with models facilitating them to learn abstract ideas through tactile and visual experiences by concretising them. The junior Maths Lab is user - friendly with its soft - edged models to ensure the physical safety of the children.
    c) Training in Soft - Skills: The services of an expert trainer are hired to train pupils in soft - skills.
    6) Tests and Exams: Periodical Tests and Examinations are conducted to monitor the progress of the children.
    7) Special Treatment of Physically and Mentally challenged students: As a social responsibility, we have admitted some children with learning disabilities, and a Counsellor is appointed to look after and guide them.
    8) Sports, Games and Cultural Activities: Two Sports Teachers and one Art Teacher look after the sports and cultural activities such as painting, drama as well as elocution, quiz etc. Intra - School and Inter School competitions are frequently arranged. Thus the overall development of the children is taken care of.